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Company History

How did a small operation that began in Denver, Colorado grow into the single largest fireproofing contractor in the U.S.? It all began with the Shippy brother’s grandfather, Mr. Lester Shippy. The legend himself was a master plasterer and did mostly ornamental plastering for cathedrals, decorative ceilings, and pillar work. Lester eventually ventured into the fireproofing business back when it was being applied by hand. When the Tommy gun was introduced in the 1950’s, the old school hand application came to an end. In the 60’s Lester introduced his sons to the fireproofing business while working for Berti Company out of Detroit. Before grandpa Lester succumbed to asbestos in the lungs, he told his sons, “If you can work in fireproofing for someone else, then you can start up your own.”


The Shippy brother’s consisting of Terry, Shelly, David, Ronnie and Frank continued to work in the fireproofing business until Terry and Shelly ventured off to start a business of their own. In 1984, Rolling Plains Construction came to fruition in Denver, CO. The 5 brothers worked as a team to make Rolling Plains a success, their first employee was Terry Shippy's son, Robert. Both Terry and Shelly ran the office while the rest of the crew executed the projects. The turning point for Rolling Plains Construction came with the unfortunate passing of founder Terry Shippy in 1991. The loss of one of the company’s leaders hit the team hard, and the fate of the company now rested with Terry's son. Robert Shippy picked up where his father left off and worked relentlessly to continue to make RPC a success. Terry Shippy introduced the infamous "Shippy" name to the fireproofing industry, but Robert Shippy dedicated his entire life to making his father's company what it is today, the largest fireproofing company in the United States of America.   

For more than three decades RPC has experienced exponential growth thanks to the efforts of the entire RPC family. Rolling Plains Construction has expanded to office locations in Arizona, Colorado, and Florida with over 350 employees. 


Today, we are proud to carry on the legacy that’s made the RPC name synonymous with fireproofing excellence. The spirit that began over 37 years ago continues every day we come to work. We strive for unmatched quality in everything that we do, starting with our company leaders and following through to our field staff.

There is a saying we live by at RPC that has been the foundation of our company culture, “Working for Rolling Plains Construction is family by choice.” We have never strayed from that motto, which we believe has been a vital factor in all of our achievements. A special thanks to our executive leadership team for all of their hard work and dedication and without whom we would not be where we are today.


The success of Rolling Plains Construction is only getting started, and we have the greatest employees in the world to thank.

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